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Foster Care Resources

The Lander County School District works to ensure that every child in foster care in our schools receives a quality education and the support they need to succeed academically. We strive to promote stability and consistency in the educational experiences of children, working collaboratively with schools, foster care agencies, and other community partners to identify and address barriers to academic success. Through advocacy, counseling, and other resources, we aim to empower children in foster care to achieve their full potential and thrive both academically and personally.

Foster Care Resources in LCSD


Foster Care Liaison

Jennifer Lords

Director of Wraparound Services and Early Childhood, Foster Care Liaison, Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)
Director of Wraparound Services

Child in Transition Contact

Milena Parker

Milena Parker

Clinical Intern, CSW-I

Our Responsibilities to Children in Care

  • Provide guidance, support, and collaboration for educators addressing educational and career needs of foster care students.

  • Collaborate with child welfare agencies and school staff to ensure compliance with federal and state laws regarding the education of children in foster care.

  • Coordinate with foster care agencies and district personnel for the safe and efficient transportation of foster care students.

  • Assist with school transitions and ensure uninterrupted educational services, monitoring academic progress and attendance for foster care students.

  • Provide guidance and support for the well-being of students in foster care.

Support Services

Lisa Evert

Departments: Social Worker
Chuck Ilsley

Chuck Ilsley

Departments: Counselor, BMHS Student Support
Phone Numbers:
School: (775) 635-5436 ext. 4114

Cecilia Leon

Departments: Counselor

Paul Lords

Titles: Director of Special Education
Departments: Psychologist
Phone Numbers:
School: (775) 635-2886 ext. 1403

Tammy Lowe

Departments: Transportation Director
Milena Parker

Milena Parker

Titles: Clinical Intern, CSW-I
Departments: Social Worker, BMHS Student Support
Phone Numbers:
School: (775) 635-5436

Skye Phillips

Titles: School Psychologist
Departments: Psychologist
Kelsey Salazar

Kelsey Salazar

Departments: Nurse
Phone Numbers:
School: (775) 635-5436 ext. 4118

Darlinda Sorenson

Departments: Social Worker
Phone Numbers:
School: (775) 635-8114 ext. 3120